Expansion of Thought: Education is the backbone of the Nation
Theme: Education is a stepping stone by which a nation can stand with its head high on the earth. Just as people without spine cannot be imagined, so no nation without education can be counted.
Expansion of ideas: There is no substitute for education in the development of civilization and culture. Through education, the nation can stand free from prejudice, inertia and inferiority and stand tall on the face of the earth. In this case, the ideal education can give direction to the nation. The nations are leading the world in the present education and initiation. No nation can grow without the pursuit of education and knowledge. An uneducated nation is like a vertebrate. The spineless people live in the world like the living dead, just as no progress of society and country can be expected from them, so also the uneducated nation is crippled step by step. So education is the backbone of a nation's life. Just as spineless people are unnecessary in this world, so the uneducated nation has fallen into the world. Just as education is necessary to know oneself, so national progress is impossible without education. Education develops the human qualities of human beings and in the midst of it, Sukumar instincts flourish. With the knowledge that man acquires through education, he can build his life properly. Without proper education, people are plunged into darkness. Although man is born with natural laws, he discovers himself mainly through education. Those who cannot discover themselves are left behind. It is these backward people who create obstacles for the nation to move forward. Uneducated people mean unconscious and incomplete people. At this stage there is no special difference between the animal and him. That is why education is called the backbone of national life, because it is through the influence of education that people can be free from prejudice, inertia and inferiority and strengthen the nation.
Comment: A nation can be identified by the criteria of progress in education. It is through education that a nation can reach the pinnacle of development by overcoming various obstacles. There is no substitute for education in order to gain recognition in the world as a self-respecting nation.
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