Let not only business but also readers create book fairs

Let not only business but also readers create book fairs

The Frankfurt Book Fair is the largest book fair ever held in the world. It was held in Germany. Where 6,169 publishers from 77 countries of the world participated. That was October 10-14, 2017. But the Frankfurt Book Fair lasts only five days.

The Ekushey Book Fair held in Bangladesh is also very big. The size of the fair has increased. However, Ekushey Bookfair is still smaller in size than the book fairs of many countries. But judging by the time, our Ekushey Bookfair, the book fair of any country of the world could not make us smaller till today. No other country in the world has seen such a month-long book fair with books written in the mother tongue! This long-term book fair is our exclusive achievement. This book fair is a matter of pride for all of us!

Not everyone buys books just for themselves at the book fair. Some look at arranged books, some listen to lectures, writers hang out in the kitchen, donate blood, enjoy cultural events, exchange views with readers and viewers, some buy books and give presents to loved ones.

There are various reasons why the Ekushey Book Fair held in Dhaka, Bangladesh has continued to be popular for a long time. The month of our language movement begins in February with the opening of the book fair. The Ekushey Book Fair pays homage to the Bengali language martyrs, commemorates their invaluable sacrifices, and expresses their love for the Bengali language. Respect for Bengali books and interest and love for reading books keep counting the fees year after year - when will the Ekushey Book Fair start. At the book fair, not only does one person stop for a day, but in the same month, the same person goes to the fair many times. Going to book fairs turned into an addiction.

Not everyone buys books just for themselves at the book fair. Some look at arranged books, some listen to lectures, writers hang out in the kitchen, donate blood, enjoy cultural events, exchange views with readers and viewers, some buy books and give presents to loved ones.

Books suitable for the needs of people of all ages are available at the book fair. Besides, the book fair turned into a great gathering of people without anyone's knowledge. Relatives, friends, students all gather at the book fair. Kachikanchara holds the deposit, what books to buy and give him as a gift from the fair. As a result, the family and social value of the book fair is increasing manifold.

Book shopping is the best shopping. The budget allocation for this is the most expensive budget. Because Gunjan has said, no one who buys a book ever goes bankrupt! That is why even though we are people of a low-income country, we go to Ekushey Book Fair almost every day, crowd, look at the bookstore, buy books, read by ourselves or give gifts to others. To this day, the gift of books is considered to be the best gift in all societies.

Books are considered to be the most expensive piece of furniture in the home of any tasteful person. Many people do not like to read books, but they like to buy expensive books and decorate them on the shelves of the house. Because having books is an indicator of dignity and taste for him.

On the occasion of the Ekushey Book Fair, a writer writes regular books with attention, after many proofs, the publisher takes care of the responsibility of publishing. At the end of the author's experience, knowledge, skills, thoughtfulness, and ease of writing, the desired book is printed beyond the cover design. Every year in the month of February, the book fair of our life starts, which is known as the Ekushey Book Fair. Today this book fair is the longest-running book festival in the world.

At present note-centered study and the MCQ, examination system does not arouse the imagination of the students. Reading a book can sharpen a person's imagination and make them think more about the future. In this age of technological advancement, people are forgetting to read - just staring at the monitor. Nowadays, huge screens of TV, computer, billboards, cellphones, tabs, iPads, PowerPoint classrooms have been made available for viewing only.

The present age is just an age to behold. There are so many things to see in every moment of every day that we are always addicted to watching. In that case, the book fair brings us a great opportunity to read from the monotony of visiting every year, which expands our imagination and teaches us to live well in the future.

As a result of the book fairs, the number of printed books has increased. But every year readers say the quality of the books has not increased. What is the underlying content of the books? How about printing paper? Towards the end of the book fair, notebooks and foreign counterfeit and photocopied books were filled. The welfare of the country's publishers should be closely monitored in this regard. On the other hand, on the occasion of the Ekushey Book Fair, we want to increase the number of readers, not just business. For the benefit of publishers, it is important to undertake projects to increase the readership of their own books.

Paper books will always be needed. No matter how many digital learning materials are introduced, there is no substitute for letter printing on paper. Because reading paper books during the day does not require separate energy or fuel. Even if there is a shortage of fuel in the world, people will read analog books printed on paper.

Nowadays the real Bengali is getting lost from all places. In our country, 11 education systems run together. As a result, nothing works well. That is why even after passing Master, many people cannot speak their mother tongue properly. I left out pure English or any other foreign language. Some of the bureaucrats or ministers and some say Begum is called begum.

Television and many other media are called perverted Bengali. Many people try to speak Bengali in a distorted and bizarre way by covering it with wrong English and trying to cover it as they cannot pronounce Bengali well. It is important for the television authorities to be aware of this.

In fact, those who know and can speak their mother tongue well can easily learn to speak any foreign language. Those who have weaknesses and mistakes in their mother tongue will also make mistakes while reading and writing in foreign languages ​​- this is normal. So the language of every human being should be the basis of his mother tongue.

Author: Rajshahi University Professor of Social Work and former Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences

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