A few Words about Education
1. Education is the best investment.
2. Although the roots of education are bitter, its results are good.
3. Education promotes four of the five basic human rights.
4. Only through education can the country and the nation be improved.
5. The more educated a nation is, the more developed it is.
6. Education is the main driving force of human life.
7. Teachers are skilled craftsmen of nation-building.
8. You give me an educated mother, I will give you an educated nation.
9. Education expands people's horizons.
10. Education is unity, education is liberation.
11. Only education can lift the country out of poverty.
12. Education teaches people to be tolerant in all situations.
13. Education is the treasure and culture is the manifestation of which there is no death.
14. If the education department of the country is well organized and successful then all other departments will easily succeed.
15. The one who gives education is an enlightened person, the work enlightens his life.
16. Iqra Bismikallaji Khalak - Read in the name of your Lord who created you.
16. If you want to go to distant China to get an education.
16. Education is not an opportunity, it is a right, the light of education shines in every house.
19. Education is power, knowledge is light, education is the backbone of the nation.
20 The mother's education is the foundation of the child's future, the mother is the child's best school.
21. If you want to build a country, you have to educate yourself first.
22. Self-educated means well-educated.
23. Learn from the cradle to the grave.
24. The ink of the pen of knowledge is holier than the blood of martyrs.
25. It is not possible to eradicate the darkness of superstition without the light of education and knowledge. A good book is the best friend for the present and the future.
26. Only education can provide a lasting solution to national and social problems.
26. Life is full of education and experience.
29. There is no other great and noble work like building a school.
30 You read 5 hours every day, then you will be wise.
31. Books should be a constant companion, build libraries in the neighborhoods.
32. The more knowledge that can be donated, the more it grows.
33. The future of the nation depends on the teacher. Therefore, such a big national responsibility should not be neglected.
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