A teacher needs to pass 9 exams for promotion
Private college lecturers have to pass 9 exams to get promoted to Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor. A teacher will be promoted if he gets 100 marks in total in the exam. In this case, a teacher will not be eligible for the promotion if there is a case, moral lapse, and order of suspension against him. Besides, the service age for promotion should be minimum of eight years.
Recently, amendments have been made to the manpower structure of private educational institutions (school-college) and the MPO policy-2021 for the promotion of lecturers.
Recently, in the revised policy brought by the MPO Policy Revision Committee, the conditions and qualifications for the promotion of lecturers working in private colleges have been indexed. Where the total of 100 marks is fixed. Among these are 35 marks in seniority since obtaining MPO, 15 in academic test results, 20 in total class attendance, 5 if no negative comments/adverse record since joining MPO, 5 if no criminal cases, and 5 in exemplary/creative examples since joining the institution and taking virtual classes. 5 marks have been assigned to the skill.
According to the policy, the committee will be constituted for the selection of promotion from lecturer to senior lecturer or assistant professor. In the meantime, this committee has been formed by the Ministry of Education. The committee convened the Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner ICT and Education, Regional Director of Maushi, Principal of a designated government college in Maushi, Principal of a private college, Deputy Director (Colleges) of Maushi, and District Education Officer as members.
The committee members will recommend the promotion of lecturers working in private colleges to the post of Senior Lecturer or Assistant Professor as per the MPO policy of private educational institutions. The committee will follow MPO policy in granting promotions. Heads of Institutions shall send promotion proposals to the Convener of the Committee.
In addition, each director of the 9 regional offices of the country, Maushi, will nominate the two members mentioned from each district of the districts under their respective regions to the concerned District Commissioner.
Moshi's notification has directed that a copy of the nomination list be communicated to Maushi by September 18.
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